Everyone Has a Part!

Become Team Coach
We have wonderful opportunities for volunteers to be TEAM COACHES. Team Coaches support and encourage our Team Members as they work their way through our learning modules. Give the gift of your time to empower Team Members. Email us at info@forestfritter.ca to volunteer.

Hire a Fritter Friend Team Member
Forest Fritter Friend graduates make great employees! They are well-trained in skills required to work in the hospitality industry and they are loyal, dependable employees.

Donate to the Forest Fritter Friends
Your support ensures Forest Fritter Friends is able to build pathways to employment for adults with disabilities. We are grateful for your support.
How you can support:
IN PERSON – in the shop when you come for a visit
BY MAIL – to receive a tax donation receipt, please mail cheques made out to the
Sarnia Evangelical Missionary Church, 707 Talfourd St, Sarnia, ON N7T 1S1
with FOREST FRITTER FRIENDS in the memo line
ONLINE – thru our partnership with the Sarnia Evangelical Missionary Church as an outreach to Adults with Special Needs.
– Click the DONATE ONLINE button below.
– On the CANADA HELPS webpage, go to the right side of the page to enter your the amount of your donation.
– Click the drop down “Fund ” menu & select Forest Fritter Friends.
– Then click DONATE.
Thank you for your support!

Thank you to our wonderful donors:

Forest United Church
Ausable United Church
And the Numerous other
“Friends of the Fritter” Donors